Project Aims
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGs) are a set of rules to be followed by navigation officers to avoid collisions at sea. It is one of the most important International Conventions that all seagoing Officers must understand and be able to apply to real world situations. However, case law, as stated in the MARS and MAIB reports, indicates that many of the basic principles of the COLREGs are improperly understood and applied. It is also common practice to use the VHF Radio, although it is not prescribed in the COLREGs. C4FF’s recent investigation into COLREGs found almost 50 percent of seafarers throughout the world disregard/ignore the COLREGs at sea when they are taking actions to avoid collisions. In order to create safer seas it is essential that seafarers should have a thorough understanding of the COLREGs rules and their application.
A new major and prestigious EU funded project called ACTs (Avoiding Collisions aT Sea) will address this issue by investigating the current problems in applying COLREGs. The project partners will then develop a new online course making it simpler and easier to understand COLREGs. The ACTs consortium is made up of major EU maritime education and training organisations who wish to reduce the number of collisions, and to make the seas safer.
The ACTs project specifically aims to:
- Identify the knowledge gaps and deficiencies in the application of COLREGs through surveys and validation workshops
- Interpret and translate the rules
- Study and animate collision and near miss scenarios from each partner country to be used as learning materials to enhance the understanding and application of COLREGs by seafarers
- Develop an innovative online e-learning and e-assessment platform.