„MARitime Soft Skills for Onboard Healthy Nutrition and CULinary Arts in Seagoing Services” (CUL-MAR-Skills)
Очаквани резултати:
– 1 research survey and 1 follow up report;
– 5 training modules: ”Onboard Healthy Nutrition”; „Supply Chain Management and the Victualling Services Onboard“;
„Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Seagoing Procurement Services“; „Sustainable Development and the Green Transition to
Effective Galleys Services Onboard the Ships“; ”Onboard Cook Skills”
– 1 Cook Manual for Seafaring Cuisine Services Onboard the Ships;
– 5 transnational meetings;
– 3 events.
Development of „Onboard Healthy Nutrition“ – specialized training module for seafaring personnel.
Development of Training programs for professional skills in victualling logistic services and seafaring food procurement.
Development of Maritime Culinary Arts Training Module.